Wednesday, 3 Jul, 2024
Wednesday, 3 Jul, 2024
HomeHEALTH & FITNESSTips to not be a couch potato this winter season!

Tips to not be a couch potato this winter season!

Tips to make your winter season energetic!


Chilled weather, cold breeze and a lot of sleep! Finally it’s that time of the year when there is a shift in wardrobes and that extra 10 mins of sleep becomes even more sweeter than it actually is. Is it only me or you too are a couch potato in every winter season? Do you feel winters make you a polar bear and you just don’t want to do anything the whole day?

Have you ever thought of making your diet winter appropriate other than planning trips and fashion swap for winters?  We all are aware of the fact that we tend to get cold and cough quite often in such chilled weather. But have we ever given a thought to make your diet winter appropriate? If you haven’t, I surely have! Just go through them and make yourself sought. 

I know, with shorter days and longer nights the will to workout and follow a particular diet is hard to find. But here we are with a few tips to follow to keep your immune system boosted all the winters.

  • Sip herbal tea: It’s pretty obvious to get dehydrated in winters, and the thing is- we don’t even get the idea of being dehydrated during winters. But we generally end up drinking less water than usual. And what better than sipping a hot cup of herbal tea during winter mornings?This will help you to stay hydrated and keep yourself warm in such chilled weather. Try switching to healthy drinks other than drinking tea and coffee for the whole day.
  • Consume more Fiber : It certainly becomes more important to consume fiber directly from natural sources such as fruits and nuts. Soluble fiber also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body. This is an especially important winter health tip for those who require a high-fiber diet to protect their digestive systems.
  • Munch on healthy stuff : Winters and being lazy goes hand in hand. And in situations like these it’s very obvious that we are hammering our health in various ways. Waking up till late, and not munching on your favorite snacks while binge watching is not possible. Try munching on superfoods, such as roasted Makhanas, dry fruits, protein bars, etc which will in turn help you with your good health.
  • Add spice to your diet: Adding spices to your plate would help you keep warm in winters. Hence it makes more sense to consume a spice rich food cooked in a healthier way.
  • Exercise : I know, everyone tends to become a polar bear during winters and working out in chilled mornings isn’t just possible for the majority of us. But try indulging yourself in some sort of workout session whenever you feel like doing it. And trust me, you would feel like never before!

There are things which hamper our health during winters. But winters are fun aren’t they? Make use of each of the above tips and share with whom you feel is in need of such helpful tips this winter season. Happy winters!



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