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HomeRELIGIONKnow About 1000 year Old Dabhoda Hanuman Temple and Live Dharshan

Know About 1000 year Old Dabhoda Hanuman Temple and Live Dharshan

Dabhoda Hanuman is a famous temple located in Gandhinagar district. This temple is located at a distance of 29 km from Ahmedabad, it takes about 50 minutes to reach here. So let us take you today to see Hanumanji of Dabhoda.


मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम्।

वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतम् शरणं प्रपद्ये।।

Dabhoda Hanuman is a famous temple located in Gandhinagar district. This temple is located at a distance of 29 km from Ahmedabad, it takes about 50 minutes to reach here. So let us take you today to see Hanumanji of Dabhoda.

When there is no way and then the one who shows the way is Sankatmochan Bal Brahmachari Hanuman Dada. For thousands of years Sri Dabhoda Hanumanji located in Dabhoda village of Gandhinagar has been present to protect the devotees. Dabhoda is a symbol of Hanuman faith. An unbreakable center of faith and an epitome of miracles to which millions of devotees are connected. 

Even in Kali Yuga, the awakened Hanumanji is living in Dabhoda and protecting Mother Earth from sin and danger. On this holy land of Rama devotee Hanuman, the chanting of the name of Rama is heard in every detail. This temple of Dabhoda Hanumanji has become the center of people’s faith as it is self-contained and facing south.

Not only this, the mythology associated with this temple is also equally interesting. The Mughals created havoc throughout Hindustan. When Alauddin Khilji suddenly attacked the king of Patan, the king took refuge in Dabhoda. At that time the place had only dense forests. Which was known as Devgarh forest. It was the king who built this temple. Over time, people lived in this forest. The entire village of Dabhoda developed around the temple.

Even the British rule has saluted the miracle of Dabhoda Hanumanji. During the British rule, a railway bridge was constructed over the Khari River on the banks of which Dabhoda is situated. The first time the train was passing over the bridge, the train stopped in the middle. Even after several attempts by the British rulers, the train did not move forward. In this situation, even the engineers of the English rulers who ruled half the world could not even move the wheel of the train. 

know all about Dabhoda Hanumanji temple

The people of the village gave an advice to the English officials that if they believe Hanumanji to supply the oil, the train will move ahead. Miraculously this turned out to be true. The officials believed the oil and the train moved on. Indian Railways has been offering oil to Hanumanji every year since the British rule till today. When did the Mughal Empire end? The name of English rule no longer survives. But faith in Dabhodaya Hanumanji is still unbroken among people.

Hanuman ji has been protecting devotees from natural disasters as well. Even Mother Nature itself bows before this Rama devotee. When crores of locusts fly together from across the borders, the farmers have to suffer huge losses. Army soldiers deployed to protect the country kill many enemies and terrorists. But how to fight against natural calamities. Even the pill does not affect the locusts. 

When these locusts attack, the sleep of earthlings becomes haram. To save the crops day and night unite. But where the savior actually resides, the problem also changes its course, such is the Dabhoda Hanuman temple. It is said that Dabhoda region was blessed by Shri Jugaldas Maharajji. Locusts will never come to harm the farmers in this field.

Even today, on the sixth day of Maha Vad, Dabhoda village has become a tradition to spontaneously close the form of tribute to Shri Jugaldasji. On this day Bhavani Chatth is celebrated. The construction of the temple has been thousands of years. Thousands of pilgrims come on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Sukhdi is offered to Hanumanji in Prasad. A grand celebration is held on the day of Hanuman Jayanti. On the day millions of devotees feel blessed by having the darshan of Hanumanji. If you are a Hanuman devotee, you have a special interest in Hanuman Bhakti, then definitely take the opportunity to have a divine darshan of Hanumanji at this Dabhodaya.



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