In a rather amusing turn of events at an examination center in Faridkot, Punjab, a young man’s attempt to outwit officials by impersonating his girlfriend during a multi-purpose health workers exam took an unexpected comedic twist. The exam, conducted by Baba Farid University of Health Sciences at DAV Public School in Kotkapura on January 7, became the backdrop for this unconventional comedy act.
Angrez Singh, hailing from Fazilka, embarked on the unconventional plan to write the exam in place of his girlfriend, Paramjit Kaur. Fully committed to the act, Angrez Singh adorned himself in a ladies’ suit, complete with red bangles, a bindi, and lipstick.
However, the comedic saga unfolded when university officials quickly caught wind of the impersonation and promptly reported the incident to the police. Angrez Singh had gone to great lengths, even using fake voter and Aadhar cards to pose as Paramjit Kaur. The seemingly foolproof plan hit a snag when his fingerprints failed to match those of the genuine candidate on the biometric device.
As a result of this unexpected twist, Paramjit Kaur, the authentic candidate, had her application turned down by the administration. Meanwhile, legal action has been initiated against Angrez Singh for his attempt to manipulate the examination process. This incident serves as a reminder that attempting to outsmart officials may not always lead to the intended outcome, especially when technology comes into play.