The iconic Japanese Shiba Inu named Kabosu, who inspired the world-famous “doge meme,” has passed away. Kabosu’s owner, Atsuko Sato, announced the beloved dog’s death in a heartfelt blog post, stating, “She quietly passed away as if asleep while I caressed her.” Sato also expressed gratitude to the dog’s fans for their overwhelming love and support.
In honor of Kabosu, a farewell party has been organized on Sunday at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City, from 1 pm to 4 pm, as reported by the Times of India.
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Kabosu became an internet sensation after Atsuko Sato, a Japanese kindergarten teacher, shared several images of her adopted Shiba Inu puppy on her personal blog on February 13, 2010. Among these photos, a peculiar image of Kabosu reclining on a couch and gazing sideways at the camera with lifted eyebrows went viral, capturing the hearts of many.
The term “Doge” originated from a misspelled word used to refer to dogs in an episode of Homestar Runner’s puppet program on June 24, 2005. This playful misspelling contributed to the meme’s widespread appeal.
In December 2013, the tech news website The Verge published an article recognizing Kabosu as the original Shiba Inu featured in the “Doge” meme. The article also acknowledged another Shiba Inu named ‘Suki,’ the pet of San Francisco-based photographer Jonathan Fleming, as the dog seen wearing a scarf in another popular instance of the meme.
Kabosu’s legacy as the face of the “doge meme” will continue to be remembered fondly by fans around the world.