Manidhar Moghal.. Kabarau.. Between Bhachau to Dudhai Marg Kabarau village is located. Ancient and huge, Manidhar Moghal Mataji has been enshrined for years amidst the gheghur trees. Thousands of devotees from all over the country come here to have darshan.
Kutch district of Gujarat has many pilgrimage sites and ancient temples. All temples have different features. Devotees come every Tuesday at Manidhar Moghal in Kabarau of Bhachau taluk and offer lapashi to Mataji. Prasad is given to thousands of people in the temple without any caste discrimination. People from all communities come to the temple together to have darshan. In the Moghal Parcha Aparampar, which removes the sorrows of the day, let’s have a look at the history of Manidhar Moghal Mataji, who appeared in the Gedhur banyan tree… Charan Rishi Bapu of the Mughal clan, who is sitting in the temple, came to Kabarau years ago, no one was afraid to go where the temple is now. But Moghal Mataji gave darshan to Bapu in a gigantic form. At that time, Bapu asked Manidhar Moghal for his blessings to make it a means to remove the sufferings of the people, but since then, with the grace of Moghal, Bapu has been removing superstitions and sufferings from the people.
Till date, no devotee has returned to this durbar of faith which is open 24 hours without seeing Mughal. Every Tuesday in the shrine, the devotees perform the service of Gaya Mata. Dham is not run by any trust or committee. No gifts or gifts of any kind are accepted in the temple. Eight to ten thousand people are given prasad in the temple on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. On other days around 200 to 250 people are given prasad. Ras Garba is also organized in Mata’s court.

Mughal Dham located in Kabarau has become a center of faith for devotees not only of Kutch but also abroad. A large number of devotees flock to bow down at the feet. There is no donation box in Mughalma’s shrine. All the pilgrims who come take the blessings of the mother. No gifts of any kind are accepted here. In said to be the daughter of Mughal Charan society. People whose serious illnesses cannot be cured by doctors are cured by the grace of mother. Cases of mother miracles are world famous. All devotees have unwavering faith towards the Mother.
In Kabrau Moghaldha, Charan Rishi Bapu of the Mughal clan shows people the right way of life. Bapu tells the devotees only one thing that whatever you give, give it to your family, not to the temple… Bapu has freed many people from addiction and shown them the way to live a new life. Feels peace.